Learn Math!

Lyn has a Ph.D. in mathematics and has taught and tutored students of all ages in math and statistics. (in English).

If you are interested in tutoring or taking a course independently, Lyn can help you achieve your goals.

Math in English


Are you struggling to successfully complete your high school or university math courses? Do you need to be able to talk about and do mathematics or statistics in English?

Lyn’s services include both tutoring and one-on-one instruction to take your math and statistics skills to the next level.

Courses are individually designed for each student based on their goals and needs. Pricing is available on request.


After almost 20 years working for leading financial corporations, Lyn’s expertise in predictive modeling for valuations, credit assessment and product pricing can be indispensable for improving your company’s data-driven analytics programs. Pricing is available on request.

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